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- 20th Dec 2023

Tech Tip - Voice Typing In Windows

If you don’t want to type but need to produce some written content (e.g. dictate something for an email message or an offer) the Windows ‘voice typing’ feature easily and quickly transcribes your speech to text. If you haven’t yet tried it, you may find it fun as well as useful. Here’s how it works:

– Open a suitable Windows app for text, e.g. Word and click into the document where you want the text to start.

– Click on Win + H. If you haven’t yet toggled on ‘Speech recognition’ it will provide a link to Settings enable you to do so. Toggle it to the ‘on’ position.

– Once that’s done, close Settings, return to your Word document and click on Win + H.

– The microphone symbol will appear at the top of the screen. Click on the microphone and wait for the ‘listening’ notification.

– Dictate your text requirements and it will be converted to text in your Word document.

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